Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Friday, 24 December 2010
is, like so many others, freezing in a winter wonderland.
Gloriously frozen!
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
has just received this and having a wee trip down memory lane
Still, one advantage is that it only cost £0.34.
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Monday, 13 December 2010
Friday, 3 December 2010
All Change.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
There's a flag flying high.
Monday, 29 November 2010
Sunday, 28 November 2010
watching the sky turn light before the snowfalls
There's no streetlights out there either.
Monday, 15 November 2010
bright, crisp and cold - a lovely morning for a walk. Best get into work then...
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Stop whining (and change your life)
Two problems with whining
The first is that it doesn't work. You can whine about the government or your friends or your job or your family, but nothing will happen except that you'll waste time.
Worse... far worse... is that whining is a reverse placebo. When you get good at whining, you start noticing evidence that makes your whining more true. So you amplify that and immerse yourself in it, thus creating more evidence, more stuff worth complaining about.
If you spent the same time prattling on about how optimistic you are, you'd have to work hard to make that true...
What we fix our eyes on is ultimately what we become, and the sooner we stop blaming situations for the reality of our present, the sooner we can get on with making a difference.
Sound fanciful and un-realistic or suspiciously like truth that we can all benefit from living by?
PS - words came from Seth Godin, here.
Friday, 29 October 2010
Saturday, 23 October 2010
On such a day as this eleven years ago...
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Reason for reaction
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Let's be honest, flickr, you don't really miss me do you?
I like flickr.com. I think it's a great way to store, share and index images. I like the way the site looks and (mostly) how it works. I even paid for the pro version 18 months ago to get more sets and more storage. Earlier this year my pro status expired and I haven't yet had the inclination to renew it. I've not been taking that many pictures of late (which isn't the best, I'll admit) so I've not had much sense of urgency about it. Lots of other things to be doing!
Every time I log in to flickr.com I get a cheery greeting and a wee reminder to sign up. But today I noticed something a little more awkward.
You can see the picture.
Let's be honest, flickr, it's not me you miss is it...?
Sunday, 19 September 2010
those three words
"those three words, are said too much, they're not enough"
At our church gathering this morning, we sung a song with the line "Jesus, I love You" I was struck by the lines from both songs this morning. I sit here reflecting on the question "what does it mean to sing that?".
We can reduce it to a glib thought or a fleeting thought. What does it really mean. What do you think?
Answers in the comments...
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Did anyone else notice how the bank are helping small businesses? #lloyds
Sounds like they've found a new way to keep their customers loyal!
Saturday, 21 August 2010
The shadow of couches past.
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Amen, Daddy
Yesterday, the weeWeir got herself all upset over something. I wasn't in the room at the time, and I'm not sure what the *something* was.
Crying, she came running to find me, saying "Daddy" and other words I couldn't quote interpret at the pace and insistence she was using. Kneeling on the floor, I asked her why she was crying.
"Daddy...[insert toddler ramblings here]" was the response. But I knew it wasn't my fault.
"Where is is sore, I asked".
Same reply.
As I held her and she calmed down, I listened again. "Amen, Daddy". It made a little more sense now.
Since before she was born, Jenny and I have prayed with the weeWeir. Before bed for sure, but at other times too. Particularly if she had hurt herself or was unsettled. That and singing with her.
So as I knelt with her on the floor, I prayed a few simple words asking Father to come with Grace & Peace in Jesus name.
An "amen" from Beth (yes, I used her name which is unusual) and she was calm.
A lot of thoughts on the back of this precious moment, which I'll unpack soon, but what's your view. Yes you. Add a comment and share your thoughts.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
There are lessons here for all of us
There were no tears, but it took a moment or two to overcome the temptation to "blame" somebody. In the end, it's just something that happened to a thing. Not the end of the world. Not even close.
Especially as I'm still able to use the thing...
So, I'm thinking that life is about learning and wondering what lessons can we learn from this?
I'll start: don't hold your phone in the same hand you are using to open the car door.
Please join in - add your "lessons" in the comments!
Friday, 16 July 2010
you are not alone

Thursday, 15 July 2010
is out walking the dogs. There's neighbourhood in here somewhere...
Thursday, 1 July 2010
What's your story?
I spent some time clearing out my desk today.
Fortunately, this was not at the request/instruction of someone else or a prelude to leaving the building. It was time to clear out some old clothes. By clothes I mean mostly paper.
With the recent departure of my director, there is a sense in which a chapter is over. I've written before here and here about how this chapter started.
There's a new day ahead. It is time to close that chapter of my work. Not the end of the story, nor the end of the relationships of that chapter, just preparing what is next.
There were loads of old memories in the folders I emptied today. The notes from my review meetings from 1999 to 2005 tell the story of my contribution to the business in that period.
There were notes from previous projects - some completed, others abandoned.

There were also stickers. Lots of stickers. I used to have all of these 'round my old CRT monitor as far back as 2003. Why did I keep them? Some kind of desire to remain connected to my younger days, I guess. And then earlier this week, McColleague A1tch found a picture of me from back then. Well, didn't I look young...
Most of the material - notes, papers, plans has now gone to be reused or recycled. Why? Most of the stuff doesn't matter. It's part of the story, and that's it. It's part of what got me here. To this point. The next stage is what's next.
I've been thinking about my story, about what it means to be me. I want to update my LinkedIn profile.
The question I have been keen that people I work with answer the question: "what do you need me to do you?". Perhaps another, equally relevant question is "what would I like to do now?"
Monday, 28 June 2010
Shorts. Are. The. Future.
We work in offices.
We spend time at our desks.
We want permission to wear shorts.
Please change your business dress code or guidelines to make it happen.
We will respect the need for professionalism when we're meeting clients. And for no socks to be worn with sandals. Ever.
Sign the petition online here: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/shoffice/
Friday, 25 June 2010
Thursday, 24 June 2010
You have reached your destination
"You have reached your destination" chimes the Satellite Navigation again.
"I think you're lying".
Authenticity: Slick
"So I guess instead of slick we're now seeking transparency and reputation and guts."
Monday, 21 June 2010
Spotted on a Toyota Celicia just 'round the corner from our house. Hoping Bumblebee is close by
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Thursday, 17 June 2010
I never knew you
can't believe how light it is for 3:30am.
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Don't look at me!
People complaining about a service they receive from that Great British tm Telecommunication company - BT - have complained about the company reaching out to them through the very same media that they used to complain.
Imagine that.
Okay, so the "facts" are in the Daily Mail's article here. However, we could probably drive a couple of aid convoys through the gaps in their arguments.
People weren't happy that companies were spying on them.
Wait, that means you are spying because your looking at the same internet as the company can. And let's define spying, shall we:
to watch or observe closely and secretly, usually with unfriendly purpose: often without
Is looking at what people post online spying? Then Google is the biggest spy ever known.
Okay, the mail does have a point about companies turning Twitter into broadcast, but as many online strategists keep saying, you chose who you listen to on these networks. You can give permission and can remove it as quick as you like.
Oh yeah, and no matter what anyone says, this is all happening in the early days of these tools. We don't know where it's going. Sure, we need to find out soon, but reporting like this doeajt help anyone, except drive fear, maintaining the status quo and generally not adding much to the conversation.
Let's face it, it's clear that the Mail doesn't understand what's happening online.
Friday, 11 June 2010
You can keep your world cup...
The perfect antidote to it all, after a headwind-tactic bike ride home, was making tea for the weeWeir, getting almost as wet as she did without actually being in the bath and then drawing fish, sharks and crabs for half an hour before bedtime.
You can keep your world cup, just let me play.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
That's no moon
From watching it on my Desire, the clip looks really well made. That's a good thing. I'm with you in feeling slightly uncomfortable about it though. For long enough, the Star Wars universe was a mystery. It was hard to watch the films as there were limited runs of VHS tapes, and very seldom shown on network TV. That air of mystery added to the experience of actually watching the films.
In recent years as George Lucas has opened up, and as culture shifts online and more of the visual media we consume is remixed then this kind of thing is inevitable. Sure, it may cheapen the experience a little, but we call that progress, don't we? It's almost like you including a bit of classic Miles Davis or Herbie Hancock in a crazy mixtape!
Funny I enjoyed the Chad Vader sketches more than this - Maybe because it was more original?